Complaints policy

This policy was last updated on 30 September 2024.
1. Introduction
Horizon Energy Ventures believes that our customers are at the heart of our business, and our products, services and interactions are designed with this in mind.
It is our aim to treat our customers fairly and consistently and as we would wish to be treated ourselves. We are committed to providing products and services of the highest standard. If for any reason, you feel you are not entirely satisfied with any aspect of our service, please let us know straight away. We will investigate your complaint competently, diligently and impartially.
We are also a member of the Finance & Leasing Association (FLA) and National Association of Commercial Finance Brokers (NACFB) and adhere to their Code of Practices.
The information below summarises our approach as to how we deal with complaints, how long it takes, and who to get in touch with in the event of one.
2. How to make a complaint
Firstly, let us know what has happened. You can call us, email us or write to us. Our contact information is detailed at the bottom of this document.
We will need to know:
- Your name and address.
- Your agreement number or similar.
- Details of how we can contact you.
- A clear description of your complaint and whether any 3rd party is involved.
- Details of what you would like us to do to resolve your complaint.
- If appropriate, copies of any relevant supporting documentation.
3. What happens next
We aim to resolve all complaints as quickly as possible. We will consider all the available evidence, the circumstances of the complaint, together with any relevant laws or regulations. We will keep you regularly updated about what is happening and discuss our findings.
Once we have received your complaint: We will try to resolve it swiftly and if resolved within three business days we will provide you with a Summary Resolution Communication. This is a written confirmation, which confirms that you made a complaint and that we now consider the matter resolved. However, if we have been unable to resolve your complaint by the close of three business days, we will follow the steps below.
Within 5 working days of receiving your complaint: We will write to you, either to acknowledge receipt of your complaint, or to respond in more detail on the matters you have raised.
Within 3 weeks: If we are unable to provide you with a final response at this stage, we will write to you to explain the reasons why and when we expect to be able to provide it.
Within 6 weeks: We will aim to provide you with a Summary Resolution Communication to your complaint within 8 weeks of receipt. This is a detailed letter which will tell you what we have found, what we plan to do and how we came to our decision.
If you are not satisfied with our final response, or 6 weeks have passed since you first raised your complaint with us, you may wish to contact the FLA or the NACFB whose contact details are listed below.
As members of the FLA and NACFB we abide by their guidelines; should you feel that you are not satisfied with our response then please request a copy of the FLA or NACFB complaints procedure, specifically their conciliation and mediation schemes.
Please note, should Horizon Energy Ventures receive a request from a customer to do so, we will participate in the FLA or NACFB conciliation service until an appropriate resolution has been met.
4. Third party referrals
If a complaint is received by us which is the responsibility of one of our partners, your complaint will be referred by us, to them. We will also write to you confirming that your complaint has been referred on and include the partner details.
Where we are jointly responsible for matters disclosed within a complaint, we will investigate the element relating to us and we will respond accordingly.
Where we are in receipt of a forwarded complaint, we will acknowledge the complaint and will apply the time limits for a response set out above from the date of receipt.
5. Complaints handling contact information
Horizon Energy Ventures
Complaints, Horizon Energy Ventures Ltd, Brewery House, 34-44 Gigant St, Salisbury, SP1 2AP
01784 227333
Finance & Lease Association (FLA)
020 7836 6511
National Association of Commercial Finance Brokers (NACFB)
020 7101 0359