Case study
First capital deployment into UK heat pump market
We’re extremely pleased to announce that we’ve deployed our first capital into the UK heat pump market with households already benefitting from decarbonised heating solutions as a result of this investment.
With our partners Clean Air Ventures and we’re anticipating a further investment of around £1m to support UK home owners in transitioning to clean heat before the current Non-domestic Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) finishes at the end of March 2022.
Consumer demand has been building on the back of COP26 and the recent government announcement of a £5,000 per household via the Boiler Upgrade Scheme from April 2022. Many interested parties are seeing the RHI as a more economically beneficial route whilst it’s still available. However, with the deadline to have any RHI funded heat pump installed and commissioned by 31 March, time is ticking.
We will fund air source heat pumps (ASHPs) and ground source heat pumps (GSHPs), along with district heating systems.